Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Indonesian Language and Culture Intensive Course (ILCIC)

Indonesian Language and Culture Intensive Course (ILCIC)
ILCIC programs are designed for foreigners who intend to learn the Indonesian language through immersion in the culture of the people speaking the language. Specific intensive programs are designed for beginners as well as participants who intend to continue their Study. Other programs are especially tailored for expatriates who plan to work in Indonesia or who wish to improve their communicative skills in using Indonesian at their workplaces.

Academic There are several programs that are designed based on participants’ needs. Tutorials are also provided to support  the main course program

Culture class In addition to studying the Indonesian language, ILCIC students also learn about the Indonesian culture, such as playing Gamelan, practicing Batik painting, and preparing Indonesian traditional foods and drinks.

Tours While studying in Yogyakarta, the students can also visit some cultural sites to escape from their routines, such as the Borobudur Temple, the Prambanan Tample, the Sultan’s Palace and  Malioboro street, etc.

Types of Programs
1. Group Programs: The following programs are offered in small classes, consisting of 3students each. They are:

An Introduction to the Indonesian Language and Culture(a one-week program)
- 20 hours of language instruction.
- 15 hours of culture classes: lecture series, demonstrations and practical work.
- City Tour, Tour to the Prambanan Temple, Watching the Ramayana Ballet.

An Intensive Program of the Indonesian Language and Culture 
(a two-week program)
-  40 hours of language instruction.
-  25 hours of culture classes: lecture series, demonstrations and practical work.
- City Tour, Tour to the Prambanan Temple, Watching the Ramayana Ballet, Tour to the Borobudur Temple,  and Lava Tour.

An Intensive Program of the Indonesian Language and Culture 
(a four-week program)
-  80 hours of language instruction.
-  40 hours of culture classes: lecture series, demonstrations and practical work.
- City Tour, Tour to the Prambanan Temple, Watching the Ramayana Ballet, Tour to the Borobudur Temple, Lava Tour, Village Trip, and Visit to Solo.

2. Individual Programs:
These program can be arranged with the Institute Managemnet  upon request to suit individual needs.

3. Special Programs for High School Studentss:
This program can be arranged upon request to suit group needs.

Having completed the course, the participant is expected to be able to:
-  communicate orally in basic Indonesian,
-  communicate orally in daily situation, and
-  read basic simplified passages in Indonesian.

Having completed the course, the participant is expected to be able to:
-  communicate orally in Indonesian,
-  write reasonably comprehensively in Indonesian, and
-  read more difficult simplified readings in Indonesian.

Advanced and Specific Purposes
At this level participants will deal with authentic materials suitable to their interest. The spoken, written, and reading skills are polished through discussions on current events or specific topics of interests.  At this level, participants have ample opportunities to meet experts to discuss topics of interests.

- Registration fee : US$ 15 per person

- Hourly language course fee :
  an individual course US$ 12 per person

- For Students:
  an individual course US$ 10 per person

- An Individual Culture Class US$ 20 - 32 per person
- An Individual City Tour US$ 73 - 80 per person
- Homestay US$ 16 per person/day

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